

Megamind is an animated comedy directed by Tom McGrath. Will Ferrell stars as the voice of ultra smart, super villain Megamind, along with Brad Pitt, Jonah Hill, Tina Fey, Ben Stiller and David Cross.
Super villain/genius Megamind and super hero Metroman, who is played by Pitt, have always had a rivalry ever since they were babies, with Megamind always living in Metroman’s shadow. When Megamind would do something good in school Metroman would do something greater. One day Megamind realizes if he’s bad at being good then he’ll just be bad.  Megamind then begins to fight Metroman for control of Metro City but always loses the battles. After escaping from jail, Megamind along with his protector and only friend Minion, who is played by David Cross, attempt a plan to defeat Metroman, and this time he’s actually able to kill his life long rival. Now with Metroman out of his way, Megamind is able to do whatever he wants in Metro City without anybody stopping him, but some how Megamind isn’t satisfied. He misses the thrill he got from battling Metroman, so he decides to create another super hero just like Metroman so that he can fight him. After accidently injecting Roxanne’s cameraman, played by Jonah Hill, with an chemical of super powers from Metroman’s left over DNA, Megamind who pretends to be Bernard, played by Ben Stiller, starts hanging out with Roxanne and begins to fall for her. When she finds out that Bernard is actually Megamind she flees. Megamind then turns his attention to Roxanne’s Camerman who is now called Tighten and they begin a massive battle for control of the Metro City.
This movie was pretty good in all aspects. It was a good movie all the way around from having an all star cast, to the animation and the soundtrack. Also the dialogue in this movie made it decently funny. The unique story of evil vs evil for the control of the city is what I like most about this movie because it’s different from the normal good vs evil.

One thing I don’t like about this movie is the character of Metroman. Don’t get me wrong I like Brad Pitt as an actor, and I like Brad Pitt’s job in this movie. I just don’t like the character he had to play in this movie. Metroman is too flashy and cocky for a super hero.
Overall I say this movie does not waste your time. It’s not great but it is better then good. Will Ferrell is awesome in this  ovie and that’s reason enough for anyone to go watch it.

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